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C-CHANGE is the Consortium for Cultivating Human And Naturally reGenerative Enterprises. Collaborating institutions work to build science-based partnerships for meeting 21st century challenges in agriculture, technology, and innovation. Partnerships are needed to meet the goals of delivering abundant, affordable, and safe food and energy to 10 billion people while also returning value to people and the land.

C-CHANGE initially launched in 2018 as a Iowa State University Presidential Initiative and expanded with a sustainable agricultural systems grant from the USDA-NIFA in 2020. An offshoot of the Presidential Initiative is SiC-CHANGE, an effort to engage Iowa State University students regarding their perspectives on how the curriculum and extracurricular activities prepare them to address sustainability challenges, including social, economic, and ecological facets. The SiC-CHANGE team published the Student Perspectives on Sustainability Report.

G2G team in PA