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C-CHANGE Grass2Gas 2023 Pennsylvania Stakeholder Workshop Proceedings Summary Report

C-CHANGE Grass2Gas 2023 Pennsylvania Stakeholder Workshop Proceedings Summary Report

Authors: Dr. J. Gordon Arbuckle, Forrest Stagner, Dr. Laura Fowler

Abstract: This report summarizes the proceedings of a Pennsylvania-based workshop hosted by the Consortium for Cultivating Human And Naturally reGenerative Enterprises (C-CHANGE) Grass2Gas (G2G) project on June 27, 2023. This workshop was one of a series of online workshops that brought key organizations together to discuss the feasibility of farm-based anaerobic digestion (AD) systems that convert biomass from perennial crops, cover crops, and other soil-building crops to produce biogas or renewable natural gas (RNG). The research team previously conducted in-depth interviews with numerous stakeholders to better understand their perspectives on development of AD for biogas/RNG.

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