Armen Kemanian
- Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
- Associate Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
Armen R. Kemanian, Professor of Production Systems and Modeling in the Department of Plant Science at Penn State University leads the Agroecosystems Modeling Lab at Penn State. Kemanian's research integrates multiple scales across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and focuses on the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and water in monocultures and polycultures across the landscape. Dr. Kemanian is the lead developer of the Cycles Agroecosystem Model, and its 3-D landscape level counterpart Cycles-L. These models serves as research and decision support tools applied at farm and landscape scales. Kemanian's research program links fundamental research with societal concerns regarding food production, climate change, and the preservation of environmental integrity. Dr. Kemanian's work intersects with Goal 2 of the Grass2Gas project.
Contact Info
247 Agricultural Science and Industries Building
University Park
(814) 863-9852
- Penn State University